What they’re saying about Transcenders...
Transcenders speaks to, for and about America's fastest growing demographic: those who are living without religion.
Jonathan J. Prinz's career and thinking evolved over the years, from when he was an active rabbi serving a large urban congregation through his long and distinguished career as a branding consultant. Building on both a foundation of learning and a multifaceted life's experience, he takes a fresh and critical look at religion — why so many are leaving it behind.
In America, where religiosity is the assumed default, 50 million people live without or beyond religion. Their being branded nonbelievers bespeaks a pejorative judgment. Meant that way or not, it implies individuals who have no beliefs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Transcenders: Living beyond religion and the religion wars, is written for and about this fast growing but largely dismissed and neglected minority. While telling a compelling story that is sure to resonate with many, Prinz seeks neither to proselytize nor to dismiss the religious. Transcenders speaks with conviction, but rejects out of hand the notion that anyone possesses the truth, a claim often made by both followers of religion and by their atheist counterparts.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History
“I know of no one more qualified to tackle these culturally thorny issues than Jonathan Prinz. I have followed his blog for years and each one is wiser, more perceptive than the next. No matter your political, social, or academic leanings, the writings of Rabbi Prinz offer insight that make you think in new ways, and take you to new places. Often these are places you never knew were there.”
Douglas K. Smith, Author. Strategic Consultant
“In Transcenders, Jonathan Prinz eloquently tackles a major yet hidden story about the American journey: how, why and with what potential implications tens of millions of Americans choose to live beyond the conventional framing of religion. It's hard to imagine this tale being in better hands. Jonathan is a thoughtful, skilled and talented writer who comes from a deep, long religious tradition -- and at the same time, has had an eminent professional career spent capably advising companies and organizations about the real meaning of identity and brand -- elements that, frankly, cut to the core of operating in a world of markets, networks and organizations. Identity. That's what's at stake in Transcenders. The identity of people who travel a very different path. The identity of a nation and a culture that must stop lying to itself about the existence and identity of these people.”
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Morehead Alumni Distinguished Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
“People do consciously and deliberately live without religion, organized or otherwise. What have they lost? What have they gained? Jonathan Prinz brings his sharp mind, his capacity for perceptive observation, and his deep appreciation of life well-lived, to these questions, defending the value of life without religion.”
Transcenders is available in hard copy on Amazon and as an e-book there and at iBooks. The Kindle edition can be read on most digital devices with and Kindle App. Don’t have it: download the free Kindle app.
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